“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.…”

Matthew 22: 38-39

Welcome to our church community.


Sunday Morning Worship.

Coffee Time Is Back !!!!

Sunday 9:30-10:20 am

10:30 - 11:30 every Sunday morning

Sunday morning worship services provide a safe space for all to listen, learn, and fellowship with others. The Gilman church family is warm and friendly, and ALL are welcome, whether you are a long-time church-goer, new to the community, new to attending church, or you are just not sure what you believe and are searching for answers.

Worship consists of scripture readings, music, a short sermon from Pastor Doug to help us apply lessons from the Bible to our daily life, and warm and loving fellowship.

We invite you to try us out and see if Gilman is the place for you. ALL are welcome.

Our Pastor, Douglas Thompson.

To contact Pastor Doug:

Rev. Doug Thompson joined the Gilman congregation as our pastor in June 2021. Pastor Doug has served congregations of the United Methodist Church in both Ohio and West Virginia, including the Waterford United Methodist Church, during which time he also served as a volunteer chaplain at Marietta Memorial Hospital.

Pastor Doug and his wife Diana, have two grown children, Dana and Denise, along with eight grandchildren. His hobbies and interests include flying (he has a pilot’s license!), running for exercise, meditation, and prayer.

You will find Pastor Doug in his church office regularly from 8:30 - 1:00 Monday through Friday.

Pastor Doug wants to be as open and available to the congregation and community as possible, because he says, “This is why I am here -- to serve you anyway I can. So, let's keep in touch!”


Sunday School.

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School is held from 9:30 - 10:15 every Sunday morning, before Sunday morning worship. The group meets in the church lounge to learn from one another and to learn more about applying God’s word to daily living. Join the adult Sunday School class any time!

Children’s Sunday School

The first Sunday of every month we are having children’s Sunday School. Children’s Sunday School takes place during Sunday morning worship. Come and join us !!!

Remembering Our Core: What We Believe

Loving: We believe Christ calls us to compassionately love and care for one another, not with words alone, but with our actions. We value and practice authentic fellowship and friendship. Matthew 22:39

Serving: We believe we are here to serve others as Christ’s representatives in the world. We value and practice both acts of mercy and justice. Micah 6:8

Growing: We believe that spiritual growth is vital for our Christian journeys. We value and practice Christian growth experiences for people of all ages. These practices include prayer, Bible study, and worship, both in community and small groups. Romans 12: 2

Inviting: We believe God calls us to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We value and practice inviting and welcoming others to come and know the Love of Christ. Matthew 28:19-20

Seeking: We believe that God’s Spirit guides our lives.We seek God’s will and direction in all decisions, plans, and actions. 1 Peter 4:2